
Personal details and contact

The domain, is property of Gateway Strategic Consultancy Services, S.L., whose C.I.F. is B47421409. Its headquarters are situated in Paseo Zorrilla 89 - 1A , 47007 - Valladolid

Gateway Strategic Consultancy Services, S.L., henceforth Gateway S.C.S., S.L., is found written in the Mercantil Registry of Valladolid, Volume 810, Book 0, Sheet 108, Section 8, Page VA-9795 and Entry: 1

For all questions related to Condelway you may contact Gateway S. C. S., S.L. by any means. All are listed in the section Contact.

Copyright and Industrial Property Rights

Copyrights of Contents distributed through the Condelway platform belong to their respective owners. Each owner may manage their copyright in agreement with the specific contract, over those which they see opportunist. Before choosing and subscribing to any contents (including free Widgets), you should read and accept your specific license in order to know how and when they can be used.

The elements included in are subject to copyright and intellectual property law through which Gateway S. C. S., S.L. (or other titles) does not suppose any implicit right.

We at Gateway S. C. S., S.L. ask for you to respect the rights cited, which ends are to promote innovation and competitiveness in businesses. If you have doubts on how to use any element of the Condelway website please Contact us

Privacy statement

The information that is provided to us will be incorporated into a database under the responsibility, name and property of Gateway Strategic Consultancy Services, S.L..

In agreement with the establishment in article 5.1 of the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, the user is informed explicitly, precisely and unmistakably of the existence of a personal data file, necessary for the management of the user's personal data in order for Condelway to provide its service. The denomination of this database is CONDELWAY and is found inscribed in the Spanish General Data Protection Register. Code 2072250344.

The user has the right to oppose the treatment of any of their personal data due to it not being essential for the accomplishment of the contract or necessary by any means for any end that may occur from maintenance of their contractual relationship, being optional, the replies that may be given to questions which support the minimum amount of information required for the management of the user's personal data in order for Condelway to provide its service.

All personal data will be stored in such a way that you may exercise the right to access it apart from the case they might be legally cancelled. Similarly, the user will be informed of the possibility of exercising the right to access, correct, cancel or oppose, in the established terms and conditions by the current Spanish legislation, by post at: Paseo Zorrilla 89 - 1A , 47007 - Valladolid.

Other Gateway S.C.S. services
